

Panasonic Advertising campaign

Task: To create creative concept for advertising campaign introducing PANASONIC heating and cooling systems. The main message: although the conditions outside might be changing and unfriendly, feel comfortable at home throughout the year. Process: We chose the paper cutting technique for visual design: the objects were printed, cut and some of them glued to form the decorations,  and finally animated using the stop motion video technique. The main character of the visual is a rocket house, which flies through different extreme settings, but there’s  always comfortable temperature inside due to PANASONIC cooling and heating systems. In order to reveal the changing weather conditions, we chose different environments: desert, Arctics and space. These are three extreme places that viewers can recognize instantly and easily link to the seasons: a desert is equal to summer, glaciers are winter and space is unfamiliar environment, but perhaps the most extreme, and exciting you can imagine. Created: Creative concept (a slogan and  visuals) TV commercial; Radio clip; Online banners; Outdoor Advertising.
PANACONIC šildymo ir vėsinimo sprendimai
PANACONIC šildymo ir vėsinimo sprendimai 2

URMAS nuo A iki Ž. Branding

Created: Task:
Creative conception Branding Illustrations Creative concept and fulfillment of shopping are URMAS campaign  which is dedicated to show audience the variety of goods.

Shopping area URMAS advertising campaign

Created: Task:
Creative concept Design Adaptation for outdoor advertising Illustrations Create an advertising campaign of URMAS that represents renewed and modern image of shopping area that is dedicated for people of all age and social groups. Requirement – funny and memorable style of advertising.

UrmasNeBaze advertising campaign

Created: Task:
New brand “UrmasNeBaze” Communication strategy Social media communication Illustrations Create a new brand (UrmasNeBaze) that is dedicated to grow a new and young audience and is separated from the main „Prekybos miestelis Urmas“. Create communication strategy and fulfill it. The main task – communication of social media „Facebook“ and „Instagram“.

Jorė kolonėlės

Created: Task:
Communication idea Realization Brand integration Integrate JORĖ bread brand at Kaunas Jazz festival, using interactive method that reveals brand contact with art and imagination.